room 707, bed 2 Oct 24, 2023 prose room 707, bed 2 On the eleventh floor of the safety net hospital a frail man is admitted for tertiary care. His left third digit is mottled and purple
intro to nutrition (the basics) Oct 18, 2023 nutrition intro to nutrition (the basics) eat real food. mostly plants. not too much. (Michael Pollan) while i love the simplicity of the message above (and you already know i am
basic curry Oct 6, 2023 nutrition basic curry * 16 oz protein: Chicken breasts or thighs, bone in or out; lamb; beef; or seafood * 2-3 TB Curry paste or curry powder (NOT curry sauce)
manual medicine Oct 2, 2023 poems manual medicine in the pale gray light of a foggy bright morning, the lights are off in a second floor exam room no screens separate the healer
"their hands is their own" Oct 2, 2023 poems "their hands is their own" dear future healer, your hands are your own. these tools transmit all the energy within you given freely by the Sun. you hold it for