this is my basic muffin recipe. i grind my own fresh flour because flour is a living food; what you buy in the grocery store is almost entirely devoid of nutrients because it lacks the outer, nutritious part of the grain (the germ). you can buy buckwheat in bulk for cheap, and get a simple attachment for your KitchenAid mixer to make it fresh for your baked goods.

confused about the amount? conservation of matter dictates that if you weigh out the proper amount on a scale before you grind, the same amount of flour will come out the other end. 😊 if you haven't used a kitchen scale for flour before, it's time to start - packing flour down dramatically changes the quantity, so it's best to determine quantity by its mass (grams), not volume (measuring in cups).


Macros: 385 kcal / 47 g carbs / 20 g protein / 15 g fat

(6 grams fiber; rich in calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamins A and C - from whole foods, so it's actually well absorbed)

YIELD: 3 dozen regular muffins / 12 GIANT muffins

495 g buckwheat flour, freshly ground

100 g chocolate or vanilla protein powder (I usually use Isopure)

2 TB baking powder

1 TB real salt (kosher or celtic; NOT iodized table salt)

0.9 c dark brown sugar

600 g shredded zucchini (no water removed)

6 whole eggs

83 mL oatmilk

1 TB vanilla extract (real)

350 mL 2% greek yogurt (Fage)

1.5 c raw cashews or other nuts, chop if desired

1.5 c dark chocolate chips, ideally unrefined

  1. mis en place! lay out your greased muffin tins (or line with muffin liners). preheat the oven (see below).
  2. combine dry ingredients: flour, protein powder, salt, baking powder. separately, combine eggs, oatmilk, vanilla, and yogurt. mix wet into dry; then add zuchini, nuts, and chocolate chips.
  3. if using REGULAR muffin tins, bake at 350 F until a toothpick comes out clean - roughly 20-30 minutes. if using GIANT muffin tins, bake at 320 F for roughly 40-50 minutes. definitely check your oven frequently because baking time will depend upon this!

you can freeze these for weeks at a time. my boyfriend likes them defrosted overnight on the counter for brekkie, then popped in the microwave for 30-40 seconds.