healing your microbiome is critical for good digestion, cognitive function, and your whole-body's wellness. i recommend eating probiotic-rich foods to tons of patients, so here is a list of the ones i like the most.
diversifying your microbiome: probiotics
these will ADD diversity to your microbiome and are especially good after a bout of antibiotics, or if you're having digestive issues at baseline. i recommend 1-2 servings a day everyday, and more if you have recently had antibiotics. the best way to diversify your microbiome is through food, not supplementation!
🥬 kimchi, sauerkraut, miso - you can top your meat and veg dinner with this!
🥬 kombucha - look for GT brand (my favorite!), or any brand that does NOT have added sugar AND that contains the "mother" (look for the film/sedimented particles at the bottom)
🥬 yogurt, kefir, and other cultured milk products - organic and no added sugar is the way to go. look for low-fat or full-fat. nonfat dairy is inflammatory. my favorite yogurts are plain Siggi's (skyr) and Fage 2% or 5%. good culture 2% cottage cheese is yummy.
🥬 home ferments! you can make your own fermented foods on your countertop. my mentor, Dr. Amy Sapola, will teach you how here:

feeding your microbiome: prebiotics!
maintaining the beautiful bugs that live inside you is important - they need to eat, too! fiber from plants is very important to keep them well-fed. changing your diet changes your microbiome in as little as a few days. keep that in mind the next time you're tempted to have a diet soda, or eat processed food. every action you take matters. a well nourished microbiome produces ample fuel for the rest of your body to make the neurotransmitters, proteins, and small molecules it needs to function well. for example, 90% of the serotonin in your brain is made by your gut!
🍑 fibrous fruits and veggies: cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale; peaches, plums, pears, apples
🍑 nuts and seeds: although high in calories, studies show that a lot of the nutrition in nuts and seeds is actually eaten up by the bugs in your digestive system (not necessarily absorbed calories that you use to fuel your body). they're also rich in micronutrients like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, as well as healthy fats.
🍑 beans, legumes: chickpeas, black-eyed peas, black beans, pinto beans, cannellini beans, and more! they are full of fiber and great for your gut. i like lupini beans for on the go, and canned beans are such an easy way to meal prep and nourish with carbs that are balanced by protein and fiber.