dear reader, what you eat becomes who you are.
your body is literally comprised of everything you have consumed. what you eat does not simply pass through you untouched - it is thoughtfully and carefully digested, nutrients extracted and absorbed, and sent into your cells to nourish and sustain your physical body.
food becomes muscle, tendon, bone, neurotransmitter, electrolyte, and so much more. food is so much more than energy - it is what creates the structure of YOU.
an organism that is well-nourished is resilient, ready to withstand heavy training and long work days, and able to recover well from the wear and tear of daily life.
if you find yourself with frequent minor injuries, excessive fatigue, feeling "foggy" – you're probably not nourished properly. you're not alone! most Americans aren't getting proper nutrition. we are overfed and undernourished, as we eat more than we need to live, and what we are consuming is NOT nutrition. it's poison.

70% of the Standard American Diet (S.A.D., and "sad" it is), is comprised of ultra processed foods. these are foods whose matrix has been altered beyond recognition. every time you eat, you are giving your body information. when you eat ultra processed foods, this kind of information is stressful and confusing to your body. it causes inflammation in your body, from the lining of your gut to your immune system, which sends WARNING! signals out to the rest of your body.
consuming ultra processed foods is not only putting you at risk of malnutrition - because these foods don't contain protein, fiber, or micronutrients - but it also puts you at risk of chronic disease because these foods are often contaminated with actual poison that hurts your body. they are in small amounts, and you might get away with eating these foods for decades before you start to pay the price, but these "foods" are the root cause of almost all chronic disease facing western, modern populations today.
why should you care? because you are in control of the ingredients that create you. you can heal your body through simple (i didn't say easy) steps that heal your metabolism, and build strong and healthy tissue that can defend you from infection and injury. start with one of these: