The excerpts in this post are from the book Good Energy by Casey Means, M.D., who bravely left the world of western medicine just two months shy of graduating from her ENT surgical residency. She was guaranteed a six figure salary making more than half a million dollars a year. She walked away because she realized she wasn't healing any of her patients with the interventions she was trained to perform, and encourage her patients to pursue.
She opened her own practice to actually treat the root causes of patients' diseases, by treating their metabolic dysfunction. 88% of Americans are metabolically sick. Dear reader, you are unfortunately, statistically, most likely to be among them. If you want to know for sure, check out this checklist (page 4) and pull up your annual labs.
Dear reader, the root of almost all modern chronic ailments - heart disease, infertility and PCOS, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hydradenitis suppurativa, even acne - are rooted in being overfed and undernourished, spiking our insulin daily and overwhelming our cellular machinery. Your body was not designed to eat ultraprocessed foods (that are really more poison than food) in abundance. It especially wasn't designed to eat too much, without movement and sunlight and sleep and love and quality relationships.
Some people like to point to genetics as the problem - but I have news for you, dear reader. Human genes don't evolve quickly enough to explain the explosive epidemics of liver and kidney disease, obesity, heart attacks, strokes, and chronic pain we are seeing. Our lifestyles, however, have changed on that exact timeline. So has our food system.

I'm in the midst of reading this book, and many more posts are forthcoming. I invite you to join me on this journey, because these lessons aren't meant only for doctors' eyes - they're actually meant for you.
I'm already using this knowledge to heal my patients, by talking to them candidly about their own role in their healing.
What you eat every day probably matters more than anything else you do for your health, and you are not fated for ill health like a train attached to tracks that cannot alter its destination. Disease doesn't happen by accident!
May I invite you to try this symptom questionnaire.... any of these sound familiar? Dr. Means teaches people how to actually feel incredible. I want to do the same.